Configuration and Management
1/1551-CRH 102 167 Uen Rev A 2006-09-07
The authentication method, which can be one of the
WEP (64 bit)
WEP (128 bit)
Passphrase /
The WEP 64-bit data encryption or 128-bit data
encryption key or the WPA or WPA2 authentication
and encryption pass phrase.
Enable whitelist
If this check box is selected, only wireless devices
added to the whitelist are allowed to access the
Ericsson W20.
Select an authentication method from the Authentication list.
Note: Make sure that the operating system(s) and wireless LAN
interface(s) of the wireless client(s) support the selected
authentication method.
If you have selected WEP (64 bit) or WEP (128 bit), type the key for
encryption in the Passphrase / Key field. A 64-bit data encryption key
includes 10 characters. A 128-bit data encryption key includes 26
characters. Only the hexadecimal numbers 0 to 9 and letters A to F are
If you have selected WPA or WPA2, type the pass phrase for
authentication and encryption in the Passphrase / Key field. A WPA or
WPA2 pass phrase is case sensitive and consists of between 8 and 63
optional characters. For security reasons, you are recommended to use a
pass phrase that contains at least 20 characters.
Click Apply to save the settings.
2.6.4 Connected Devices
The Connected Devices list includes the MAC (Media Access Control)
addresses of all wireless devices currently connected to the Ericsson W20.
To find out about the MAC address of a PC using Microsoft Windows, open
a command prompt and type ipconfig /all. A list of system properties
is displayed. The MAC address is found on the Physical Address row.