M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
Installation Part 3-Modification of the Heat Shield
The heat shield will be modified and reinstalled with the fuel
injection throttle body. Although it is possible run a car with
the fuel injection system installed without the heat shield, the
under-hood temperature will be quite high, and we strongly
recommend against it.
366-348 Inst Fig 14
41. Remove the two Phillips head screws (14.1) that secure
heat shield bracket (14.2) to the heat shield (14.3). The
screws will be re-used to re-attach the heat shield in a
few minutes. If your heat shield is in bad shape, it can be
replaced with a new one (14.3, Moss # 373-945) as we
have done here.
42. Examine the heat shield bracket (14.2).
43. Locate the lip on the right side (15.1) and the lip on the
left side (16.1) of the intake opening. This lip or flange
must be partly removed from both sides in order for the
throttle body to sit flat.
366-348 Inst Fig 16
16.1 16.1
366-348 Inst Fig 15
44. Measure down 3.5” from the top of the bracket and mark
the bracket (15.2, 16.2) to indicate how much of the lip
will be removed.
45. Scribe a line along the 90 degree bend where the lip is
formed (15.3, 16.3). Although we used a white marker so
it would show up in the picture, a pencil will work fine.
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