M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
Installation Part 21.1 – Fuel Filler Neck, Early Hose (to early 1978)
For cars with the later hose, go to Part 21.2
366-348 Inst Fig 199
366-348 Inst Fig 201
257. Slide one of the large band-type clamps over the cut
end of the shortened early filler hose. (199.1)
258. Install the cut end of the hose over the top of the fuel
return adapter and start the other end onto the fuel filler
inlet pipe. (201.1)
259. Slide the fuel filler inlet into the hose until the filler
neck is fully seated against the filler neck grommet
against the body.
366-348 Inst Fig 202
366-348 Inst Fig 205
260. Slide the large band-type hose clamp (202.1) into
position to clamp the hose to the fuel return adapter and
261. Slide the factory clamp (202.2) into position to
secure the hose to the fuel filler inlet and tighten. There
is a small hose (202.3) that runs from the tank to the
gasoline vapor separator (see Fig 205), which is
mounted inside the right-rear fenderwell.
366-348 Inst Fig 203
366-348 Inst Fig 204
262. Find the fuel return hose we ran into the trunk
earlier. Slide a small hose clamp over the end of the
hose (203.1). Locate the fuel return nipple on the outside
of the fuel return adapter (203.2)
263. Push the end of the fuel return hose over the nipple
and secure the hose using the small hose clamp. (204.1)
Installation Part 21.2 – Fuel Filler Neck, Late Hose (after early 1978)
366-348 Inst Fig 208
366-348 Inst Fig 210
366-348 Inst Fig 212
366-348 Inst Fig 214
264. Normally, the steel filler neck points down at an
angle on MGBs built after early 78. Before we can refit
the filler neck hose, we need to make the filler neck
more like the pre-78 MGBs. Rotate the filler neck (208.1)
and the filler neck grommet (210.1) 180 degrees, so that
the thick part of the filler neck grommet is up rather than
down (210.1).
265. With the hose clamps in place on the hose, slide the
original (un-cut) filler neck hose onto the filler pipe, and
onto the fuel return adapter. Look carefully at the bend in
the hose (212.1). If there is a tendency to kink at the
bend, remove the hose and trim ¼” to ½” off the top end
of the hose (212.2). Refit the hose and tighten the
clamps when you are satisfied with the fit.
266. Attach and clamp the return hose (214.1) Please
refer to steps 191 and 192 above for additional
information if necessary.
This completes part 21 of the installation.
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