M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
366-348 Inst Fig 92
366-348 Inst Fig 91
Part 12 continued
152. Slide a small hose clamp on each end of the 32”
piece of 5/16” fuel hose included in the kit. A small
amount of petroleum jelly will make it easier to push the
hose onto the nipples.
153. Push the hose onto the “IN” nipple (91.1) on the
throttle body.
154. Run the hose in an arc (92.1, 92.2, and 92.3) and
push the hose onto the fuel filter nipple. Tighten the hose
This completes part 12 of the installation
Installation Part 13- Vacuum Connection, Distributor to Throttle Body
155. Remove any existing hose connected to the
distributor vacuum advance.
366-348 Inst Fig 95
156. Find the 40” length of 5/32” ID vacuum hose
supplied in the kit. There is a 30” piece as well- make
sure you get the right one.
157. Connect the hose to the distributor vacuum advance
158. Run the hose (95.2) under the AIR injection rail
(95.3) around the back of the cylinder head (95.4).
366-348 Inst Fig 96
159. Connect the hose (96.1) DIRECTLY to the lower
right nipple on the bottom of the throttle body (96.2),
bypassing the transmission control spark advance
solenoid valve. The nipple is very hard to see in this
picture because the hose (96.3) that goes to the MAP
sensor is in the way. It would not be connected at this
point; we will actually connect it in the next step. Note
also that the nipple that has been capped off (96.4) is no
longer fitted to the throttle body so you will probably not
see one. If you have a car w/o vacuum advance, be sure
you cap the 5/32 nipple (96.2) on the bottom of the
throttle body or your idle will be very high on startup. A
5/32” vacuum cap is provided in the kit for this purpose.
This completes part 13 of the installation
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