M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
366-348 Inst Fig 68
To front of car
122. The fuse block (68.1) is secured to the right inner
fenderwell. Look at the side of the fuse block closest to
the front of the car. Locate the two brown wires with
female spade connectors (68.2, 68.3) connected side by
side on the lowest pair of male spade terminals. These
two male spade terminals are +12V Constant (powered
all the time) and the position on the fuse box is labeled
366-348 Inst Fig 69
123. Disconnect the “outside” female spade connector
(69.1), which will expose the “outside“ male spade
terminal on the fuse block (69.2)
366-348 Inst Fig 70
124. Find the female spade to twin-male spade
“piggyback” connector supplied in the kit. (Fig 70, Moss
366-348 Inst Fig 71
366-348 Inst Fig 72
125. Slide the “piggyback” connector onto the male spade
you have just exposed. (69.2 above) Note that the longer
of the two spades (71.1) points straight forward, and the
shorter spade (71.2) is angled toward the engine
compartment a little.
126. Re-connect the factory female spade connector
removed earlier (72.1) onto the longer male spade of the
new piggyback connector.
366-348 Inst Fig 73
127. Find the black wire with the blue 15 Amp inline fuse
(73.1) coming out of the fuel injection harness. Both
wires with inline fuses are black. It is the fuse that allows
us to tell them apart until the holder is marked.
128. Use the “Sharpie” marker to label the fuse holder
“15”. By marking the fuse holder, we can tell the black
wires apart even if the fuses are removed.
129. Connect the female spade connector (73.2) to the
angled male spade of the piggyback connector.
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