M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
366-348 Inst Fig 84
366-348 Inst Fig 86
366-348 Inst Fig 85
142. Pull up on the cable (83.1) while rotating the
bellcrank (83.2) to open the throttle. This will provide
enough slack to slide the cable through the slot in the
143. Slide the cable (85.1) through the slot in the bracket
(85.2), then lower the threaded end of the throttle cable
housing (85.3) down through the hole in the bracket as
you release the tension on the throttle cable.
144. With the throttle closed, adjust the jam nuts (86.1)
on the threaded end of the cable housing until the inner
cable is taut. There will be about 3/8” inch of thread
showing (86.2) above the upper jam nut. Do not adjust
the throttle stop. It is very important that the cable is
taut and the throttle is closed. If this is not done
correctly, you will have problems later.
This completes part 11 of the installation
Installation Part 12- Installing the Fuel Filter & Hose
145. Locate the fuel filter, 3” piece of ¼” fuel hose, 32”
piece of 5/16” fuel; hose and appropriate hose clamps
supplied in the kit.
366-348 Inst Fig 90
146. Loosen the screw in the fuel filter clamp (90.1).
147. Loosen the hose clamp securing the hose to the
bottom nipple on the filter.
148. Remove the fuel filter (90.2).
149. Replace the short section of hose (90.3) from the
hard line to the fuel filter with the 3” piece of ¼” ID fuel
hose included in the kit (Moss p/n 376-955).
150. Install the new fuel filter included in the kit. (Moss
p/n 377-310). Depending on the clamp used by the
factory, the new filter may be loose in the clamp; a small
piece of rubber between the clamp and the filter will
solve that problem.
151. Secure the hose (90.3) to the fuel pipe and to the
filter using the band type hose clamps (90.4) included in
the kit. The spring-type clamps commonly used for fuel
lines are not strong enough to resist the pressure
generated by the fuel pump included in the kit.
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