M:\Product Information\366-348\Instructions\366-348 MGB Fuel Injection Installation Instructions_Grant_2.doc
Installation Part 20 – Mounting the High Pressure Fuel Pump
366-348 Inst Fig 178
238. Find the foam sleeve, large “P” clamp, the 1/4-28 x
3/4" bolt, and the 1/4" lock washer supplied in the kit.
Slice the foam sleeve lengthwise. (Fig 178) We are
going to wrap the foam around the pump to cut down on
the noise. The rubber lined p-clamp will hold the foam in
place and secure the pump to a welded nut in the
forward bulkhead of the trunk, near the hole where the
original SU pump was mounted.
239. Push the pump up into the space behind the rear
axle (180.2) and the up against the forward bulkhead of
the trunk (180.1). The hose to the fuel tank (180.3)
points toward the driver’s side. The hose to the throttle
body (180.4) points to the passenger’s side. Note the nut
welded to the bulkhead(180.5) and the large hole (180.6)
for the original SU pump.
366-348 Inst Fig 180
180.5 180.6
240. Wrap foam sleeve around pump with the slice
pointing forward.
366-348 Inst Fig 182
366-348 Inst Fig 181
241. Wrap the P-clamp around the sleeve and pump.
Slide the lock washer over the bolt, and insert the bolt
(181.1) through the hole in the end of the p-clamp that is
bent at a 90 degree angle (181.2).
242. Squeeze the p-clamp together and push the bolt
with washer through both holes of the p-clamp. (Fig 182)
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