
586 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
IP-Specific Event Cause Codes
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus480TemporarilyUnavailable (0x1568, 5480 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 480 - Temporarily Unavailable - The callee's end system was
contacted successfully but the callee is currently unavailable (for example, is not logged in,
logged in but in a state that precludes communication with the callee, or has activated the “do
not disturb” feature). The response may indicate a better time to call in the Retry-After header
field. The user could also be available elsewhere (unbeknownst to this server). The reason
phrase should indicate a more precise cause as to why the callee is unavailable. This value
should be settable by the User Agent (UA). Status 486 (Busy Here) may be used to more
precisely indicate a particular reason for the call failure. This status is also returned by a
redirect or proxy server that recognizes the user identified by the Request-URI, but does not
currently have a valid forwarding location for that user.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus481CallTransactionDoesNotExist (0x1569, 5481 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 481 - Call/Transaction Does Not Exist - This status indicates
that the User Agent Server (UAS) received a request that does not match any existing dialog or
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus482LoopDetected (0x156a, 5482 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 482 - Loop Detected - The server has detected a loop.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus483TooManyHops (0x156b, 5483 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 483 - Too Many Hops - The server received a request that
contains a Max-Forwards header field with the value zero.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus484AddressIncomplete (0x156c, 5484 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 484 - Address Incomplete - The server received a request with a
Request-URI that was incomplete. Additional information should be provided in the reason
phrase. This status code allows overlapped dialing. With overlapped dialing, the client does not
know the length of the dialing string. It sends strings of increasing lengths, prompting the user
for more input, until it no longer receives a 484 (Address Incomplete) status response.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus485Ambiguous (0x156d, 5485 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 485 - The Request-URI was ambiguous. The response may
contain a listing of possible unambiguous addresses in Contact header fields. Revealing
alternatives can infringe on privacy of the user or the organization. It must be possible to
configure a server to respond with status 404 (Not Found) or to suppress the listing of possible
choices for ambiguous Request-URIs.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus486BusyHere (0x156e, 5486 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 486 - Busy Here - The callee's end system was contacted
successfully, but the callee is currently not willing or able to take additional calls at this end
system. The response may indicate a better time to call in the Retry-After header field. The
user could also be available elsewhere, such as through a voice mail service. Status 600 (Busy
Everywhere) should be used if the client knows that no other end system will be able to accept
this call.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus487RequestTerminated (0x156f, 5487 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 487 - Request Terminated - The request was terminated by a
BYE or CANCEL request. This response is never returned for a CANCEL request itself.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus488NotAcceptableHere (0x1570, 5488 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 488 - Not Acceptable Here - The response has the same
meaning as 606 (Not Acceptable), but only applies to the specific resource addressed by the
Request-URI and the request may succeed elsewhere. A message body containing a