Dialogic Corporation
Sending a TSM in a Setup Message
Once the GC_PARM_BLK is composed, the block is included in a GC_MAKECALL_BLK
structure via the intermediate GCLIB_MAKECALL_BLK structure, and that block is then passed
as a parameter in a call to gc_MakeCall( ). The Setup message that is sent as a result of the call to
gc_MakeCall( ) will contain a TSM with elements as specified in the GC_PARM_BLK.
The gc_SetUserInfo( ) function cannot be used to preset TSM information to be sent in a Setup
message because that function requires a valid CRN when setting a tunneled signaling message and
the CRN does not exist at this point in the call setup. The TSM can only be specified in the
GC_MAKECALL_BLK for a Setup message.
Sending a TSM in an Alerting, Connected, Facility, Proceeding, or
ReleaseComplete Message
To include a tunneled signaling message in any H.225 message other than a Setup message, the
application uses the gc_SetUserInfo( ) to preset the message data before calling the Global Call
function that causes the H.225 message to be sent. Data set via gc_SetUserInfo( ) applies to the
next outgoing message, so applications should be careful to call this function immediately before
the function that will send the intended H.225 message.
When calling gc_SetUserInfo( ), the parameters should be set as follows:
• target_type must be set to GCTGT_GCLIB_CRN
• target_id is the CRN
• infoparmblkp is a pointer to the GC_PARM_BLK that was configured with the parameter
elements for the tunneled signaling message
• duration must be set to GC_SINGLECALL
Table 16. H.225 Messages and Global Call Functions for Sending Tunneled Signaling
H.225 message to be
used to send TSM
Mechanism used to set
TSM to send
Global Call Function used to send H.225 message
containing TSM
Setup GC_MAKECALL_BLK gc_MakeCall( )
Proceeding gc_SetUserInfo( )
gc_CallAck( )
Alerting gc_SetUserInfo( )
gc_AcceptCall( )
Connected gc_SetUserInfo( )
gc_AnswerCall( )
Release Complete gc_SetUserInfo( )
gc_DropCall( )
Facility gc_SetUserInfo( )
gc_Extension( )