The following parameters IDs are used with the IPSET_SIP_MSGINFO parameter set ID to set the
header fields in the OPTIONS message, using the general techniques described in Section 4.9.5,
“Setting SIP Header Fields for Outbound Messages”:
If the IP Call Control library was started in the first party call control (1PCC) operating mode, the
library automatically inserts a MIME body part containing SDP data that reflects the current
capability set (that is, the same SDP information that would be sent in an INVITE request).This is
the case even though the SDP information is not required and may not be meaningful to the User
Agent that will receive the OPTIONS request (since an OPTIONS request is not part of a
If the library was started in the third party call control (3PCC) operating mode, SDP information is
not automatically inserted in OPTIONS requests or responses. If the application needs to include
SDP information, it must explicitly insert it using the gc_SetUserInfo( ) function and the
Once the header fields are set up, the application can send the message within a call using:
gc_Extension(GCTGT_GCLIB_CRN, crn, IPEXTID_SENDMSG, parmblkp, &retblkp, EV_ASYNC)
where crn is the CRN returned on a gc_MakeCall( ) or in a GCEV_OFFERED event.
Or the application can send the message outside a dialog using:
gc_Extension(GCTGT_GCLIB_CHAN, boardh, IPEXTID_SENDMSG, parmblkp, &retblkp, EV_ASYNC)
where boardh is the handle obtained by opening the board device.
The following pseudo-code shows a more complete example of constructing and sending an
OPTIONS request.
parm_ID value_buf Default value