396 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
gc_AcceptModifyCall( ) — accept proposed modification of call characteristics
gc_AcceptModifyCall( )
accept proposed modification of call characteristics
The gc_AcceptModifyCall( ) function is used to accept a request from the network or remote party
to change one or more attributes of the current SIP dialog (call).
This function initiates a 200 OK response code to an incoming re-INVITE request (an INVITE
request on an established call), which has been indicated to the application as an unsolicited
GCEV_REQ_MODIFY_CALL event on the respective call object. The metaevent associated with
this event references a GC_PARM_BLK that contains parameter elements which communicate the
contents of the re-INVITE request to the application. The 200 OK response sent by this function
indicates acceptance of the change(s) proposed in the re-INVITE request.
The changes which may be accepted by the application include:
• change in DTMF mode
• additional or changed dialog signaling attributes (SIP header fields)
• change in media session coder properties
• change in media session direction (half duplex vs. full duplex vs. suspended streaming)
• change in remote RTP address
Note: The Dialogic
Global Call API library does not provide a mechanism for requesting a change in
RTP address, so requests to change the RTP address will only be received from remote endpoints
that are not using Global Call.
Name: int gc_AcceptModifyCall (crn, parmblkp, mode)
Inputs: CRN crn
• call reference number of call targeted for modification
GC_PARM_BLK *parmblkp
• pointer to GC_PARM_BLK which contains attributes of
call which are being accepted (optional in 1PCC mode)
unsigned long mode
• completion mode (EV_ASYNC)
Returns: 0 if successful
<0 if unsuccessful
Includes: gclib.h
Category: Call Modification
Mode: Asynchronous only
Parameter Description
crn call reference number of call targeted for modification
parmblkp pointer to GC_PARM_BLK which contains call attributes that are being
accepted (optional in 1PCC operating mode)
mode completion mode; must be EV_ASYNC