
584 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
IP-Specific Event Cause Codes
IPEC_RASFullRegistrationRequired (0xfc0, 4032 decimal)
Registration permission has expired. (In RRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASRouteCallToSCN (0xfc1, 4033 decimal)
The call was routed to a switched circuit network. (In ARJ and LRJ messages.)
IPEC_RASAliasesInconsistent (0xfc2, 4034 decimal)
Multiple aliases in the request identify separate people. (In ARJ and LRJ messages.)
11.5 Failure Response Codes When Using SIP
The following failure response codes apply when using SIP. Each code is followed by a description.
The codes are listed in code value order.
Request Failure Response Codes (4xx)
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus400BadRequest (0x1518, 5400 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 400 - Bad Request - The request could not be understood due to
malformed syntax. The Reason-Phrase should identify the syntax problem in more detail, for
example, “Missing Call-ID header field”.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus401Unauthorized (0x1519, 5401 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 401 - Unauthorized - The request requires user authentication.
This response is issued by User Agent Servers (UASs) and registrars, while 407 (Proxy
Authentication Required) is used by proxy servers.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus402PaymentRequired (0x151a, 5402 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 402 - Payment Required - Reserved for future use.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus403Forbidden (0x151b, 5403 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 403 - Forbidden - The server understood the request, but is
refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help, and the request should not be repeated.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus404NotFound (0x151c, 5404 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 404 - Not Found - The server has definitive information that the
user does not exist at the domain specified in the Request-URI. This status is also returned if
the domain in the Request-URI does not match any of the domains handled by the recipient of
the request.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus405MethodNotAllowed (0x151d, 5405 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 405 - Method Not Allowed - The method specified in the
Request-Line is understood, but not allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI.
The response must include an Allow header field containing a list of valid methods for the
indicated address.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus406NotAcceptable (0x151e, 5406 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 406 - Not Acceptable - The resource identified by the request is
only capable of generating response entities that have content characteristics not acceptable
according to the Accept header field sent in the request.
IPEC_SIPReasonStatus407ProxyAuthenticationRequired (0x151f, 5407 decimal)
SIP Request Failure Response 407 - Proxy Authentication Required - This code is similar to
401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.