
446 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
8.3.3 gc_AcceptXfer( ) Variances for IP
This function is only available if the call transfer supplementary service was enabled via the
sup_serv_mask field in the IP_VIRTBOARD structure when the board device was started.
The parmblkp parameter is ignored for IP technology and should be set to NULL.
The gc_AcceptXfer( ) function can be used at party B only after receiving a GCEV_REQ_XFER
event. The application can obtain information on the rerouting number or address in a
GC_REROUTING_INFO data structure dereferenced from the extevtdatap in the METAEVENT
Both the rerouting_num (type char *) and the rerouting_addr (type GCLIB_ADDRESS_BLK)
fields of the GC_REROUTING_INFO structure contain the same rerouting address string that was
explicitly signaled from party A in SIP call transfers or H.450.2 blind call transfers, or from party C
via gc_AcceptInitXfer( ) in H.450.2 supervised call transfers. The rerouting number to be used in
the subsequent gc_MakeCall( ) at party B can be copied from either element, but must not be a
concatenation of both elements because they each contain the same character string.
The remaining elements of the GCLIB_ADDRESS_BLK structure dereferenced from
rerouting_addr contain the following:
0 (unused)
0 (unused)
0 (unused)
Variance for H.323 (H.450.2)
When party B (the Transferred party) accepts a transfer request via gc_AcceptXfer( ) no
notification is sent to party A (the Transferor or Transferring party). No message is sent to party A
until the accepted transfer succeeds or fails.
Variance for SIP
When party B (Transferee or Transferred party) accepts a transfer request via gc_AcceptXfer( ), a
202 Accepted message and a NOTIFY(100 Trying) message with Subscription-State=Active is
sent to party A (the Transferor or Transferring party). The call control library at party A may
optionally generate a GCEV_INVOKE_XFER_ACCEPTED event to notify the application of the
acceptance if that event has been enabled for that line device with gc_SetConfigData( ).