
Global Call API Library Reference — November 2007 557
Dialogic Corporation
information about an IPT board device — IP_VIRTBOARD
E_SIP_OPTIONS_Access (structure version 0x108 only)
Enables application access to incoming OPTIONS, and the ability to send OPTIONS requests.
The following symbolic values are defined:
ENUM_Disabled (default) – disable application access to OPTIONS messages
ENUM_Enabled – enable application access to OPTIONS messages
sip_registrar_registrations (structure version 0x109 only)
Specifies the number of unique SIP registrations that can be created. A unique registration is
defined as a unique Address Of Record/Registrar pair, so registering the same AOR on a
different Registrar is counted as a second unique registration. The range for this field is 1 to
10000. The default value is sip_max_calls.
sip_tls_engine (structure version 0x10a only)
Identifies a SIP_TLS_ENGINE data structure that specifies a number of parameters needed for
SIP Transport Layer Security (TLS), including TLS port number, engine certificate, and
trusted root certificate authorities. The default value is a NULL pointer (SIP TLS disabled). If
the structure is not properly configured for TLS server or TLS client operation (or both),
gc_Start( ) will fail with error IPERR_INVALID_TLS_PARAM. If this field identifies a
properly configured data structure but TCP is not enabled via E_SIP_tcpenabled, gc_Start( )
will fail with error IPERR_INVALID_TLS_WITHOUT_TCP.