Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 485
Dialogic Corporation
When using the gc_SetConfigData( ) function on a board device (the first three bullets above), use
the following function parameter values:
An IPT board device that can be obtained by using the gc_OpenEx( ) function with
:N_iptBx:P_IP in the devicename parameter. See Section 8.3.18, “gc_OpenEx( ) Variances
for IP”, on page 476 for more information.
A pointer to a GC_PARM_BLKP structure that contains the parameters to be configured. The
parameters that can be included in the GC_PARM_BLK are protocol specific. See the
following “Variance for H.323” and “Variance for SIP” sections.
As in other technologies supported by the Dialogic
Global Call API, the gc_SetConfigData( )
function can be used to mask call state events, such as GCEV_ALERTING, on a line device basis.
When used for this purpose, the target_type is GCTGT_GCLIB_CHAN and the target_ID is a
line device. See the “Call State Event Configuration” section in the Dialogic
Global Call API
Programming Guide for more information on masking events in general.
Variance for H.323
Table 38 describes the call parameters that can be included in the GC_PARM_BLK associated with
the gc_SetConfigData( ) function. These parameters are in addition to the call parameters
described in Table 34, “Configurable Call Parameters When Using H.323”, on page 461 that can
also be included.
Table 40. Parameters Configurable Using gc_SetConfigData( ) When Using H.323
Set ID Parameter IDs Use Before †
Enumeration with one of the following values:
• GCCONTROL_APP – The application must
use gc_CallAck( ) to send the Proceeding
message. This is the default.
• GCCONTROL_TCCL – The stack sends the
Proceeding message automatically.
gc_AnswerCall( )
† Information can be set in any state but it is only used in certain states. See the “variances” section for the specific function
for more information.
†† This is a system configuration parameter for the terminating side, not a call configuration parameter. It cannot be
overwritten by setting a new value in gc_SetUserInfo( ) or gc_MakeCall( ).
††† Applies to the configuration of tunneling for inbound calls only. See Section 4.1.3, “Enabling and Disabling H.245
Tunneling (H.323)”, on page 114 for more information.