How Do I? Part 1 IP Connectivity - Page 73
Section Two –IPNC Configuration
This section details the configuration of the IPNC1 and IPNC2.
Task Description
Step 1
Configure INDEX environment using the (T)
type interface option
See INDeX Environment for IPNC Data call (page 70).
Step 2
Test INDeX configuration for both Units.
Use the Monitor application, select Call and enable Call
events. Point the Monitor application to the local IPNC
and dial the ARS routed number configured in Step 1
from an on-switch extension. The Call event on the
Monitor Application must indicate the call is presented to
the local IPNC. The resultant tone returned by the on-
switch extension (i.e. engaged or busy) is NOT
significant at this stage. It is only important that the call is
presented to the IPNC.
Step 3
Obtain the configuration files for IPNC1 and
IPNC2. Create an Intranet Service type
using the Service parameters set out below.
Services Parameter IPNC1 IPNC2
Account Name IPNC1 IPNC2
Password password1 password2
Incoming Password password2 password1
For quick set-up, avoiding the use of separate incoming
and outgoing account names. Use a common Service
Name and Service Account Name.
For example, on the IPNC1 set both the Name and
Account Name to ISDN_link and set both the Service
Password and Service Incoming Password to a unique
password that is common to both sites. Then configure
IPNC2 using these identical parameters.
Step 4
On the IPNC1 Service form, configure the
Telephone number to access the IPNC2.
• Service/Number = <called number>
The <called number> is dependant on whether T type or
the S type IPNC interface option is used.
• For S type see Step 2- INDeX Environment S type (page 72)
• For T type see Steps 4& 5 - INDeX Environment T type (page 70)
It is good practice to initially configure dial up operation
in one direction only.
Step 5
In the Extension field of the default RAS
(Dial In) on the IPNC2 add the number to
match the Incoming call.
(See Step 3 INDeX T type configuration as
detailed on page 70)
The <called number> is dependant on whether T type or
the S type IPNC interface option is used.
• For S type see Step 2- INDeX Environment S type (page 72)
• For T type see Step 1 - INDeX Environment T type (page 70)
The RAS allows the IPNC router to identify which
incoming number are to be associated to data routing.
The RAS Extension field is use for this purpose and by
default the match is made from right to left.
Step 6
For the IPNC1 and the IPNC2 apply the
parameters on the PPP tab of Intranet
service type (created previously) as
described in the table below
Parameter IPNC1 IPNC2
1. Multilink
Yes Yes
1. Multilink
Yes Yes
The Multilink protocol is imperative for the correct
operation of bundled channels over digital services and
VoIP. IPHC is mandatory for the support of QoS for
(See The RAS Tab on page 55)
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual How Do I? - Page 73
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) Part 1 IP Connectivity