The Configuration Tree Functions RAS Configuration - Page 55
RAS Configuration
A Remote Access Service (RAS) is used to support dial-in services. Service
access can be either digital / ISDN or by modem. The IPNC detects the incoming
call type. The RAS is the “destination” of a service as defined in the "The Service
Tab" on page 47 and the associated IP routing defined in "IP Routing" on page
The received MSN/Dialled digits are matched to the extension field in the RAS
form to establish which RAS entry should be used.
Note that the system default configuration includes a RAS, with the name DialIn.
This should not be deleted or changed as it permits remote configuration.
A corresponding user profile must be set up (see "User Configuration" on page
44) with dial-in access and containing the password for the remote end Service.
The RAS compares the two for verification.
Any WAN service specified for the IPNC (see "WAN Configuration" on page 56)
is automatically added as a RAS, with the same tabs.
The RAS Tab
Name: The given name of the RAS and the one to be used in a corresponding
Service configuration form.
Extension: The MSN/dialled digits used to access this RAS.
COM Port: Not used by the IPNC, leave blank.
TA Enable: Not used by the IPNC, leave blank
Encrypted Password: Tick this box if CHAP password authentication is
The PPP Tab
The PPP section of the form is identical to the PPP profile for a Service (see 52) -
both RAS and Service must be set up in the same way. The system does this
automatically for WAN services.
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual The Configuration Tree Functions - Page 55
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) RAS Configuration