The Configuration Tree Functions Service Configuration - Page 47
The Service Tab
The Service tab for Normal (Internet) services, shown below, allows you to set up
the details for your account with your ISP.
Name: The name of the service to be accessed.
Account Name: The name used to log on to the service. For an Internet service,
this is your ISP-supplied account name.
Password/Confirm Password: The password is used by the destination to verify
the user accessing the service. You must also confirm your password.
Telephone Number: The outgoing number dialled to access the Internet service
(an access prefix digit must be added).
Firewall Profile: This is a list of all the currently-configured firewall profiles for the
system, from which the most suitable one can be selected (see Firewall
Configuration on page 58).
Encrypted Password: Tick this box if your ISP provides CHAP password
Default Route: Tick if this is to be your primary Internet service, see The
Fallback Tab on page 52 for details of how to specify an alternative service.
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual The Configuration Tree Functions - Page 47
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) Service Configuration