Software Upgrading and Installation Installing Software Upgrade - Page 11
Upgrade Steps Explanation
Step 8
At the debug prompt type the following command:
Step 9
If the previous steps have been followed correctly
and the upgrade is successful thus far to loader
version 1076, an output similar to the following will
be shown.
Tue 27/8/2002 11:30:28, Hello>ipoffice
This is irreversible. Continue (Y/N)?
Press Y on the keyboard.
If the previous steps have been followed
correctly and the upgrade to 1076 is
successful the following output will be shown.
New Boot Sector process
Checking new loader code
New loader code checksum =
0x2EABEEAC, (wanted 0x2EABEEAC)
Saving current feature table
Mac address is 00E007005C27
Tue 27/8/2002 11:31:28, Hello>
Step 10
Reboot the IPNC by typing the following command
at the debug prompt.
e.g. Tue 27/8/2002 11:31:28, Hello>
Step 11
When the IPNC has finished the boot sequence and
the green LED comes on and the Red LED is off,
unplug the IPNC from the INDeX.
Step 12
In order to confirm the IPNC is running the 1.7
Loader image, plug in the IPNC and press ‘Esc’ on
the keyboard within 3 seconds.
The following output will be shown indicating the
upgrade procedure is successful.
P5 Loader 1.7 (2MB-2xF800 Flash-120nS
CPU Revision 0x0502
To quit this mode and continue at the prompt
sequence type: atf
Pressing the ‘Esc’ in this way causes the
IPNC to stop the image load to allow direct
access to the loader mode.
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual Software Upgrading and Installation - Page 11
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) Installing Software Upgrade