Page 14 - Installation of a New System Software Upgrading and Installation
Dynamic IP Addressing
The following paragraphs detail the configuration requirements for dynamic IP
addressing of the Administration PC which will be used to configure the IPNC.
To examine the IP configuration, use Start/Run/winipcfg (Windows 95/98). On
win 2000/NT/XP use the DOS command ipconfig; this command is used
To change to DHCP/automatic addressing either:
For Windows 95/98: Right-click on the Network Neighbourhood icon or use Start
|Settings |Control Panel and double-click on the Network icon. From the Network
Configuration panel, select the TCP/IP protocol and click on Properties. In the
Properties panel, shown below, click on Obtain IP Address Automatically. It
may then be necessary to re-boot the PC to implement the change.
For Win 2000/NT/XP: Use Start |Settings |Control Panel and double click on the
Network and Dial-up Connections icon. Select the Local Area Connections icon,
right click and select Properties. Highlight the Internet Protocol icon and select
Properties again.
In the Properties panel, shown below, click on Obtain IP Address
Automatically. It may then be necessary to re-boot the PC to implement the
Win 95/98 Win 2000/NT/XP
For a dynamic addressing/DHCP network, the winipcfg Release All and Renew
All buttons can be used to change the adapter’s IP address, (without the need to
re-boot). For Windows NT, at the system prompt, use IPConfig /Release and
IPConfig/Renew instead of Winipcfg.
Page 14 - Software Upgrading and Installation INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Installation of a New System 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)