Page 20 - General Use of the Manager The Manager Application
The Configuration Forms
For any item in a function's summary list (see General Use of the Manager on
page 19) configuration values are specified by completing forms. There may be
one or more forms to complete, depending on the function concerned.
A Configuration Form consists of a series of fields in which the correct value(s)
must be entered. Click on a field to enter a value into it. Use the mouse or the tab
key to move from field to field.
The example above shows a User Configuration Form (also see page 44). In this
case, several forms are needed to make a complete user profile. Click on the
tabs to move through the ones you need to complete or change and enter the
necessary details. Click on OK when you have completed the last one. The
changes you have made are then reflected in the summary list.
When a configuration has been changed it must be saved and sent to the IPNC
before it is implemented (see Configuration Files on page 23).
Page 20 - The Manager Application INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
General Use of the Manager 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)