Page 42 - The ShortCode Function The Configuration Tree Functions
The ShortCode Function
The IPNC uses ShortCodes to control ISDN Line facilities and allow manipulation
of MSN strings and ISDN Line selection. Short codes can be set up for global
usage, against individual lines and/or users.
ShortCodes operate in a similar manner to the INDeX core function of Automatic
Route Selection, but within the domain of IPNC.
Any dialled number that is presented to the IPNC must be resolved to a
destination. The IPNC will attempt to match the dialled number to a ShortCodes
in the order specified below:
1. Line Received (User, ISDN or VPN Line).
2. ShortCode List.
To edit/add/delete a ShortCode:
Highlight ShortCode in the Configeration Tree and right click in the display Panel.
Select View/Edit/New as appropriate. The following typical menu is displayed:
The fields are identical to those in the VPN Short Code tab (see page 41).
Examples of System Codes
1. Using the ShortCode to strip off the leading digit
To define any call beginning with 8 that is presented over the VPN line (IP
Trunk) that has a line group of 01, by striping off the digit 8 i.e. when 8400 is
received, 400 is sent over line group 01.
Short Code 8N
Telephone Number N
Line Group 01
Feature Dial
2. Using ShortCode to send digits as dialled
To define any call beginning with the digit 8 that is presented as dialled over
the VPN line (IP Trunk) that has a line group ID of 02 i.e. when 8400 is
received, 8400 is sent over line group 02.
Note the full stop/period mark in the telephone number field. This dictates
that the number sent should be the MSN digits received.
Short Code 8N
Telephone Number .
Line Group 02
Feature Dial
Page 42 - The Configuration Tree Functions INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
The ShortCode Function 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)