Page 12 - Installing Software Upgrade Software Upgrading and Installation
Upgrade Steps Explanation
Step 13
Once the IPNC has been restarted load the IPNC
3.x firmware using the Manger UpgradeWize
In step 2, the nadrcii.bin was renamed nadrcii.old.
For the 3.2 version of IPNC firmware this must be
renamed back from nadrcii.old to nadrcii.bin. The
2.2(1076) bin file can be renamed appropriately.
Loader v1.7 is compatible with IPNC 2.2 or 3.2
software for operational use. If IPNC 3.2 is to
be loaded then the loader must be v1.7.
When the upgrade via the wizard shows the
rebooting sequence.
If the upgrade process finishes and says it has
failed, ignore and press OK.
Step 14
Check the firmware variant by opening the upgrade
wizard again and see the Unit build number (3.2/19)
To prove that upgrade is successful use the
Refresh button on the Upgrade Wizard to
update the display.
Confirm that the version shown in the Version
column is the same as that shown in the
Available column.
Step 15
Restart the IPNC with 3.2 software and ensure that
it is defaulted to factory settings as follows:
Using IPNC Manager:
Open File|Advanced|eraseConfig (factory Default).
Using HyperTerminal:
Unplug the IPNC. Plug in the IPNC and press the
'Ecs' key every second until the Loader message
Enter AT return
Enter AT-X2 return
Enter AT-X3 return
Unplug the IPNC and plug in again.
When connecting for the first time via the
Manager after defaulting, please check that
the DHCP Server address range is 200 to
LAN 1 and LAN 2.
If these are blank then DHCP will fail.
Page 12 - Software Upgrading and Installation INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Installing Software Upgrade 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)