Carburetor adjustment
The carburetor is a vital part of the engine and
requires very sophisticated adjustment. Most
adjusting should be left to a Yamaha dealer who
has the professional knowledge and experience
to do so. However, the idling speed may be per-
formed by the owner as a part of the usual main-
tenance routine.
The carburetor was set at the Yamaha facto-
ry after many tests. If the settings are dis-
turbed by someone without sufficient techni-
cal knowledge, poor engine performance and
damage may result.
Idle speed adjustment
A diagnostic tachometer must be used for this
1. Start the engine and warm it up for a few
minutes at approximately 1,000 to 2,000
r/min. Occasionally rev the engine to 4,000
to 5,000 r/min. The engine is warm when it
quickly responds to the throttle.
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