© 2006 directed electronics—all rights reserved
note: sensor inputs that are triggered too many times will
be bypassed using a feature called NPC for Nuisance
nuisance prevention circuitry
This diagnostic feature monitors the sensor inputs for excessive trig‑
gers and bypasses them automatically to avoid annoying repeated trig
how it works
If any sensor input is triggered 3 times within a one hour period,
it will be bypassed for one hour. The input will still be moni
tored, but the alarm will not sound if a trigger is detected..
If the input is triggered while bypassed, the one hour bypass
timer will start over. This will assure that a repeatedly triggered
input will remain bypassed until stable for at least one hour.
resetting the sensor input
A bypassed sensor input will reset automatically if not triggered
for one hour. To reset a bypassed sensor input manually the igni
tion must be turned on, disarming and rearming the alarm will
not reset a bypassed input
system status chirps
The siren will chirp when arming/disarming the system. The pattern
of chirps will audibly report the system’s status as described next.