Activating a Leg in a Route
As you are navigating you may decide that you no longer wish
to continue on the leg that you are now using. Instead you
wish to use another leg of the route. You will need to activate
the leg of the route with the desired destination (TO land-
until ROUTE appears at the top of the display.
. Use the LEFT/RIGHT ARROWs until the leg
you wish to activate is displayed. Press the UP ARROW. If
the leg is not active, the display indicates ENT TO ACTI-
VATE. Press
. The leg has become activated and the
receiver begins to compute the necessary information to
continue you on the route using the leg you selected.
If the display indicates ENT TO DEACTVATE, it means that
the receiver is using this leg to compute the navigational
information. Pressing ENTER at this screen not only
deactivates the leg, but deactivates the route as well.