KMD 550/850 Pilot's Guide
Rev 7 Sep/2005
Strike Display Mode
If the strike display mode is selected, the KMD 550/850 immediately
plots an "x" symbol (discharge point) on the display for each individual
discharge it detects within the selected range and view. The strike dis-
play mode plots discharge points on the display in relation to where the
discharges are actually detected instead of plotting them close to an
associated group of discharge points as is done in the cell display mode.
The strike display mode is most useful during periods of light electrical
activity because it may plot discharges associated with a building thun-
derstorm sooner than the cell display mode would.
If discharges are detected within 25 nm of the aircraft, the normal
stormscope icon in the Functions Legend will change to one such
as that shown here.
To change the displayed range of the Stormscope
display, press the RNG
or RNG
keys. With each
press of the keys, the display changes to display the
electrical discharge activity detected within the new
range. The range indicator will also change to display
the numerical value of the new range (25, 50, 100, or
200 nm). This new range corresponds to the distance
from the aircraft to the outer range ring on the display.
Your KMD 550/850 stores electrical discharge information for all ranges
simultaneously to provide you with an instant, up-to-date display of elec-
trical discharge activity when you select a new range.
As you move from one range to the next, the 25 nm range is always indi-
cated by the solid inner ring to advise you of your close proximity to thun-
derstorms. You may also notice that the discharge points are progres-
sively larger on the shorter ranges and smaller on the longer ranges.
This effect makes it easier to spot clusters of discharge points in any
WX-500 Stormscope
KMD 550-850 PG R8 3/6/07 11:22 AM Page 38