3. The flight plan overlay is removed via the OVLY menu.
The small boxes marked TRK: and GS: display your present track and
ground speed. Track will be magnetic (i.e.: true with local variation auto-
matically taken into account).
The box marked POS: will display your present position as a distance
and bearing from the nearest item in the database. The geographical
item used to describe the position is chosen on the basis of the POSI-
TION REF: setting in the Map Setup.
If you have chosen VORs as the position reference, your position will be
reported as a distance (range) and bearing from the nearest VOR. If you
have chosen VORs & AIRPORTS as the position reference and your
position is within 5nm of a VOR, your position will be reported as a dis-
tance and bearing from that VOR even if there is an airport nearer (i.e.
VORs have priority). If there is no VOR within 5nm then your position
will be reported with respect to the nearest VOR or airport with no priority
being given for either.
If you have chosen ALL DATA as the position reference, your position
will be reported against a table of priorities. If your position is within five
miles of an airport, it is your distance and bearing from that airport that
will be displayed, even if there is a navaid, user waypoint or town nearer.
All airport names are shown preceded by an asterisk character (*)
in order to distinguish them from towns or cities with similar names
that may have significantly different locations. If your position is
found to be within five miles of a VOR beacon and more than five miles
from an airport, then your position will be shown with respect to the VOR
beacon, even if there is a user waypoint, NDB or town nearer. NDBs
have next priority with towns last.
As soon as the joystick is
moved, a display similar to
Figure 5 will be displayed.
The map freezes in its pre-
sent position with respect to
the joystick pointer. A line
appears between present
position and the joystick
pointer. (The reason the
map is made to stop moving
is that this makes accurate
positioning of the joystick
pointer much easier.) The aircraft icon will still be displayed in the
proper location on the map.
Rev 6 Jun/2004 KMD 550/850 Pilot's Guide
Figure 5
KMD 550-850 PG R8 3/6/07 11:22 AM Page 11