6. If your child restraint manufacturer recommends
using a top tether, attach and tighten the top
tether to the top tether anchor. Refer to the
instructions that came with the child restraint and
see Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children
(LATCH) on page 1-43.
7. Push and pull the child restraint in different
directions to be sure it is secure.
To remove the child restraint, if the top tether is attached
to the top tether anchor, disconnect it. Unbuckle the
vehicle’s safety belt and let it go back all the way. The
safety belt will move freely again and be ready to
work for an adult or larger child passenger.
Securing a Child Restraint in the
Center Front Seat Position
A child in a child restraint in the center front
seat can be badly injured or killed by the right
front passenger’s airbag if it inflates. Never
secure a child restraint in the center front seat.
It is always better to secure a child restraint in
the rear seat.
Do not secure a child restraint in the center front
seat position.