VerteX RTH Series H.8 and H.16 Series
The user can view an image on full screen by double-clicking the 4/9/16 Sub-Screen mode. Double-click
any part of the screen to return to the previous mode.
Auto Sequence
Auto Sequence is to rotate images at an interval of the certain time in 1/4/9 Sub-Screen Mode. It changes to
Auto Sequence Mode if you select {Menu} Æ {Miscellaneous} Æ {Display Mode}Æ{Sequence} in 1/4/9
Sub-Screen Mode. Using the Up/Down button, the user can select the interval from 1 second to 10 seconds
(to set the interval, however, multiple cameras should be connected).
5-2-2. Channel Grouping
Channel Grouping is to change the image location in the screen between channels.
On the real-time monitoring screen, select {Menu} Æ {Miscellaneous} Æ {Channel Grouping}.
On the monitoring screen, go to the channel selection window and select the channel to be changed in the
group. Then the selection window pops up.
On the selection window, select a channel using the arrow keys and the Select button.
The Image location of the each channel is changed.
Group Setup is not supported for the 1-split mode.
The user can change the channel location in the group using the mouse.
Changing the screen division mode causes other division modes to be changed as
5-2-3. Spot (Only for VERTEX RTH series)
Spot is to output a channel that is set with a certain function. Spot has an independent monitor and output and
only full screen mode is available.
Event Spot
Event Spot is to show a channel quickly that is set with the Event function in case events (sensor and motion)
occur. The event check interval is one second. If events are detected in many channels, it shows a channel with
the last event. Move to {Menu} Æ {Setup} Æ {Recording} Æ {Alarm Output} Æ {Event Spot}.
Manual Spot
User can designate a spot channel manually. Move to {Menu} Æ {Misc. Control} Æ {Spot} and select a channel.
Sequence Spot
User can select more than one channel in Manual Spot and have a sequential image through Spot. Move to
{Menu} Æ {Misc. Control} Æ {Spot} Æ {Sequence}.
5-2-4. Menu in Monitoring Mode
User can control all functions available in Monitoring Mode in {Menu}.
Press the Menu or right-click mouse button. The {Menu} will then appear.
Select the desired item using the arrow keys or mouse.
Press the ESC button or right-click mouse button to hide the menu.
5-3. System Login
5-3-1. User Account and Authorization
System users are divided into local administrators and general users.
The local system administrator can use all functions.
Local Admin
The local administrator can use all functions: System Power On/Off, Setup,
Monitoring, and Playback (remote access is not available, however).
Up to four users are allowed. Each user can access the functions depending on the
given authorities.
For Authorization Setup, Move to {Monitoring Menu} Æ {Setup} Æ {System}Æ
{User Registration}.