AC1234-6 Rev. C
Component Replacement Part No.
CalibrationWeight 16214
ContaminatedRefrigerantTank(optional) 17990
Filter 34724
FilterMaintenanceKit 13172
(includes lter and vacuum pump oil)
IdentierFilter 16913
IdentierOxygenSensor 16916
IdentierSampleHoseAssembly 16106
OilDrainBottle 19100
PrinterPaper(1roll) 34214
ServiceCoupler,High-Side(red) 18123
ServiceCoupler,Low-Side(blue) 18122
ServiceCouplerSet 18124
(high-side [red] and low-side [blue)] couplers)
ServiceHose(low-side, blue) 70123
ServiceHose(high-side, red) 70124
ServiceHoseSet 71234
(high-side [red] and low-side [blue)] hoses)
TankFillHoseFilter 10233
VacuumPumpOil(quart) 13203
VacuumPumpOil(gallon) 13204
VinylDustCover(optional) 17499
Parts List
CAUTION: To prevent
personal injury, use only
those repair parts called out
in this parts list. Items found
in this parts list have been
carefully tested and selected
by Robinair.
Replacement Parts and Glossary
A/C System :Thevehicleairconditioningsystembeingserviced.
Evacuation :Moistureandothernon-condensablesareremovedfromanA/Csystembyavacuum
Internal Storage Vessel (ISV) :Therellablerefrigerantstoragetankdesignedspecicallyforthis
Leak Test (Vacuum) : Componentscontainingrefrigerantareevacuatedandmonitoredforpressure
Machine :ModelNo.AC1234-6.
PAG : PolyalkyleneGlycol
POE : PolyesterOil
Recovery / Recycling :RefrigerantisrecoveredfromanA/Csystem,ltered,andstoredintheISV.
Refrigerant :R1234yf.