Selecting Realtime Wave Speeds
3-18 Setting up your Monitor
Setting up your
If numerics are switched off, the status message “Not all numerics
displayed” is displayed. This message can be disabled in
configuration mode by your biomedical engineer or by the Philips
service engineer.
Parameter numerics on the Main Screen screen are shown as aligned
numerics - the numerics are next to the corresponding waveforms.
Aligned Numerics:
The monitor controls the position of numerics on the screen, and also
controls the size of some numerics.
Numeric Positions:
Numerics are positioned on the screen in the following order:
1. Parameters with waveforms (such as Pressure) are positioned
first. The numerics are aligned with the corresponding waveform.
2. Numerics, which are part of a contiguous block (i.e. CO2, AGM,
ST, BIS, HR/PULSE) are positioned next.
3. Parameters without waveforms which are not part of a contiguous
block (such as Temperature) are positioned in the left column if
space is available. Otherwise, they are placed from bottom to top
in a column to the right of the waveform numerics according to
their priority as shown in the Numerics On/Off Task Window.