1-8 The CMS and V24 and V26 Patient Monitors
The CMS and V24 and
V26 Patient Monitors
The control panel consists of softkeys, hardkeys and alarm lamps.
Softkeys The softkeys perform multiple functions. Their functions correspond to
the labels displayed at the bottom of the screen. When no softkey labels
are on the screen, the softkeys do not function.
Hardkeys The hardkeys have only one function defined by the label on the key.
The hardkeys are labeled in blue. Each one of these keys gets you into a
level where adjustments and changes can be made or performs an
immediate action. The keys are labeled according to their function, for
example, key allows you to start a recording of a
Note—If you are using the M1167/77A system with the External Alarm
Device, the handheld keypad can be used to operate the system and to
enter data. It contains all the hardkeys and softkeys available on the
control panel of the other systems.
Realtime Record