Alarm Display
Alarm Functions 5-5
Alarm Functions
• Latching Alarms - The alarm continues when the alarm condition is
eliminated. Latching alarms can be reset by pressing the
key. Alternatively, all latching alarms can be turned
off using the softkey or the hardkey.
Latching alarms for individual parameters can be turned off in the
Adjust Alarms Task Window or the Alarm Limits Task Window.
• Non-latching Alarms - These automatically reset when the alarm
condition is eliminated. INOPs are always non-latching.
• Alarm Reminder - This only functions with alarms and not INOPs.
(It does not work for arrhythmia alarms.) It affects the alarm sound,
lamp, nurse call relay and the recorder, but not the alarm messages.
The alarm reminder and reminder time can be configured as
If you have acknowledged an alarm by pressing the
key and the alarm condition continues, then the system will behave
according to the following configurations:
Alarm Reminder Reminder Time
Off Not Applicable
On 2 or 3 mins
Re-alarm 2 or 3 mins
Alarm Behavior
Off ---- No alarm reminder.
On 2 or 3 mins Alarm reminder tone
Alarm lamp
No new alarm recording
Nurse call relay signals
The alarm tone is reannounced for a
duration of 6 seconds every 2 or 3
minutes unless the alarm condition is