Using Philips Patient Care System with an Arrhythmia Computer
4-14 Other Patients
Other Patients
** R-ON-T PVCs For HR <100, a PVC with R-R interval <1/3
the average interval followed by a
compensatory pause of 1.25 x average R-R
interval or 2 such Vs without a
compensatory pause occurring within 5 min.
of each other. (When HR >100, 1/3 R-R
interval is too short for detection.)
** VENT BIGEMINY A dominant rhythm of N, V, N, V
(N=supraventricular beat, V=ventricular
** VENT TRIGEMINY A dominant rhythm of N, N, V, N, N, V
(N=supraventricular beat, V=ventricular
** PVCs > xxx/MIN PVCs within one minute exceeded the PVCs
/min limit (xxx)
** MULTIFORM PVCs The occurrence of two differently shaped
Vs, each occurring at least twice within the
last 300 beats as well as each occurring at
least once within the last 60 beats
** HR yyy > xxx Heart Rate (yyy) greater than the upper HR
limit (xxx)
** HR yyy < xxx Heart Rate (yyy) lower than the lower HR
limit (xxx)
** IRREGULAR HR Consistently irregular rhythm (irregular R-R
Message Minimum Condition Requiring an Alarm