Performance Assurance Checks
13-16 Maintenance
the Invasive
Module Self-
Auto Check - The check for these modules is started every time the
system is switched ON and checks the complete module circuitry,
including the sensitivity detection circuit.
Self-Test - The test signals lasts about 30 seconds and then the display
returns to the normal monitoring mode.
The M1006A Pressure self-test may be performed at any time as the
input switch switches the CAL divider to 0mmHg, and the pressure test
signals bypass the sensitivity detection circuit. From here, the signals
are processed in the same way as the patient signals.
The M1006B Pressure self-test may be performed at any time, as the
signal is output from a microprocessor based controller. From here, the
test signal is processed in the same way as a patient signal, testing the
complete signal path from the module to the display.
TEST - Press
RESULT - If the module is functioning correctly, the following systolic
and diastolic pressures are displayed without the alarms being activated:
Systolic 120 mmHg ADULT 60 mmHg PEDI/NEO
Diastolic 0 mmHg ADULT 0 mmHg PEDI/NEO
Monitor Setup
Test Signals