Adjusting Neonatal Event Review Settings
Neonatal Event Review 9-21
Neonatal Event
Event Settings
Alarm Triggered
The Desaturation events are derived from the first SpO2 bedside module
and triggered either by a Red*** Desat alarm or a Yellow** low limit SpO2
alarm. The Desat/SpO2 alarms and trigger times can be viewed but not
adjusted in the Event Setup task window. These settings must be adjusted
in Monitoring Mode in the SpO2 task window. If the SpO2 alarm related
trigger threshold and trigger time items are selected, the
key is inactive and the following status message is
displayed in the Event Setup task window:
• “SpO2 items must be changed in the SpO2 Setup”
User Defined
For situations where the storage and documentation of an event should
be independent of all Desat/SpO
alarms, you can adjust the Desaturation
event threshold and trigger time in Monitoring Mode in the Event Setup
task window.
Desat Trigger Off
It is also possible to turn the Desaturation event triggers OFF in cases
where the occurrence of Desaturation events are so frequent that the
event storage facility risks becoming full (a total of 48* events can be
stored). If the Desaturation event trigger is switched to OFF, the oxygen
saturation is still displayed in the oxyCRG Episode task window but the
Desaturation events are not captured or displayed in the Event Review
task window
*24 for V24 and V26 Patient Monitors
In the Event Setup task window you can:
1. Select items.
2. Change the item content.
Selecting the softkey enables you to step through the items
listed under each event group.