Alarm Recording
6-12 Recording Functions
Recording Functions
Alarm Recording
Alarm recordings are a type of delayed recording, that is, the recording
includes waveform information from before the alarm event so you can
see the change in the patient's condition. When a patient goes into an
alarm condition, an alarm recording is generated automatically
according to the monitor's configuration. You can determine the alarm
severity on a parameter-by-parameter basis that will cause an alarm
recording to run. You can also enable and disable alarm recordings for
individual parameters.
With the exception of oxyCRG alarm recordings, alarm recordings run at
a speed of 25 mm/sec regardless of the speed selected in the Delayed
Alarm Recording Task Window. OxyCRG alarm recordings run at the
pre-configured oxyCRG speed. If oxyCRG is enabled in your monitor's
configuration, you can select the type of alarm recording (standard or
oxyCRG); refer to “Configuring Delayed Recordings” on page 6-9.