Default Settings and Technical Specifications
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Authentication algorithm SHA-1
Authentication method Pre-shared Key
Key group DH-Group 2 (1024 bit)
Life time 8 hours
VPN IPsec Wizard: VPN policy settings for client-to-gateway tunnels
Encryption algorithm 3DES
Authentication algorithm SHA-1
Life time 1 hour
Key group DH-Group 2 (1024 bit)
NetBIOS Disabled
RADIUS settings
Primary RADIUS server Disabled and none configured
Secondary RADIUS server Disabled and none configured
RADIUS time-out period 30 seconds
RADIUS maximum retry count 4
SSL VPN settings
Default portal URL https://<IP_address>/portal/SSL-VPN
Default client address range–
Global default policy Traffic from an SSL VPN client cannot
reach the LAN
User, group, and domain settings
Default domain geardomain
Default group geardomain
Default user authentication local user database
Default users, default passwords
admin, password
guest, password
Default idle time-out period 5 minutes
Login from WAN interface Denied
Table 193. UTM default configuration settings (continued)
Feature Default behavior