Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
View the WAN, xDSL, or USB Port Status
You can view the status of the WAN connections, the DNS servers, and the DHCP servers.
For the UTM9S and UTM25S, you can also view the status of the xDSL and USB ports.
To view the status of a WAN, xDSL, or USB port:
1. Select Network Config > WAN Settings. The WAN screen displays (see Figure 37 on
page 72. For the UTM9S and UTM25, see Figure 324 on page 556 for the xDSL port or
see Figure 348 on page 605 for the USB port.)
2. Click the Status button in the Action column for the WAN interface for which you want to
view the status. The Connection Status screen displays in a pop-up screen.
Figure 297.
The Connection Status screen displays the information that is described in the following
Table 133. Connection Status pop-up screen information
Item Description
Connection Time The period that the UTM has been connected through the WAN, xDSL, or USB port.
Connection Type The connection type can be DHCP, Static IP, PPPoE, or PPTP.
Connection Status The connection status can be either Connected or Disconnected.