Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
3. Click Apply to save your settings.
Note: When the UTM blocks access to a link of a certain blocked web
category, the UTM displays an HTML warning screen that includes a
link to submit a URL misclassifiation. To submit a misclassified or
uncategorized URL to NETGEAR for analysis, click the Click here
to Report a URL Misclassification link. A second screen opens
that allows you to select (from drop-down lists) up to two categories
in which you think that the URL could be categorized. Then click the
Submit button.
Configure Web URL Filtering
If you want to allow or block access by internal LAN users to certain sites on the Internet, use
the UTM’s web URL filtering. You can create or import a whitelist that contains domain names
and URLs that are accepted and a blacklist with domain names and URLs that are blocked.
The whitelist takes precedence over the blacklist. Both the whitelist and the blacklist take
precedence over keyword blocking.
Note: A URL that you enter on the whitelist or blacklist might contain other
embedded URLs such as URLs for advertisements or sponsors,
causing unexpected behavior. If you want to allow a URL by placing
it on the whitelist, make sure that all embedded URLs are also
placed on the whitelist. Similarly, if you want to block a URL by
placing it on the blacklist, make sure that all embedded URLs are
also placed on the blacklist.
Web Category Lookup
URL Enter a URL to find out if it has been categorized, and if so, in which category. Then
click the lookup button. If the URL has been categorized, the category displays next to
Lookup Results. If the URL appears to be uncategorized, you can submit it to
NETGEAR for analysis.
Submit to
To submit an uncategorized URL to NETGEAR for analysis, select the category in
which you think that the URL needs to be categorized from the drop-down list. Then
click the Submit button.
Table 48. Content Filtering screen settings (continued)
Setting Description