Wireless Network Module for the UTM9S and UTM25S
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
4. Click Apply to save your settings. The profile is updated in the List Of Wireless Profiles
If you use a wireless computer to configure wireless security
settings, you will be disconnected when you click Apply.
Reconfigure your wireless computer to match the new settings, or
access the wireless network module from a wired computer to
make further changes.
Encryption Select the encryption key size by making a selection from the drop-down list:
• 64-bit WEP. Standard WEP encryption, using 40/64-bit encryption.
• 128-bit WEP. Standard WEP encryption, using 104/128-bit encryption.
• 256-bit WEP. Standard WEP encryption, using 232/256-bit encryption.
Passphrase Enter a passphrase. The passphrase can have a maximum of 64 characters.
The secret passphrase allows you to generate the keys automatically by
clicking Generate.
Encryption Key
Specify the active key by selecting one of the four radio buttons. Only one key
can be the active key. Either enter a key manually or generate the key
automatically by clicking Generate. The length of the key depends on the
selected encryption:
• 64-bit WEP. A key length of 5 ASCII or 10 hexadecimal characters.
• 128-bit WEP. A key length of 13 ASCII or 26 hexadecimal characters.
• 256-bit WEP. A key length of 29 ASCII or 58 hexadecimal characters.
Note: Wireless stations need to use the key to access the wireless access
Table 151. Add Wireless Profiles screen settings (continued)
Field Description