Virtual Private Networking Using SSL Connections
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Do not enter an existing domain name in the Domain Name field;
otherwise, the SSL VPN Wizard fails when you attempt to apply
the settings and the UTM reboots to recover its configuration.
Table 89. SSL VPN Wizard Step 2 of 6 screen settings (domain settings)
Setting Description
Domain Name A descriptive (alphanumeric) name of the domain for identification and management
Authentication Type
Note: If you select
any type of RADIUS
authentication, make
sure that one or more
RADIUS servers are
configured (see
RADIUS Client and
Server Configuration
on page 310).
From the drop-down list, select the authentication method that the UTM applies:
• Local User Database (default). Users are authenticated locally on the UTM. This
is the default setting. You do not need to complete any other fields on this screen.
• Radius-PAP. RADIUS Password Authentication Protocol (PAP). Complete the
following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
- Radius Port
- Repeat
- Timeout
• Radius-CHAP. RADIUS Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
- Radius Port
- Repeat
- Timeout
• Radius-MSCHAP. RADIUS Microsoft CHAP. Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
• Radius-MSCHAPv2. RADIUS Microsoft CHAP version 2. Complete the following
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
• WIKID-PAP. WiKID Systems PAP. Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
- Radius Port
- Repeat
- Timeout