Network and System Management
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
2. Select one of the following radio buttons:
• Yes. Enable HTTPS remote management. This is the default setting.
• No. Disable HTTPS remote management.
If you are remotely connected to the UTM and you select the No
radio button, you and all other SSL VPN users are disconnected
when you click Apply.
3. As an option, you can change the default HTTPS port. The default port number is 443.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.
When remote management is enabled, you need to use an SSL connection to access the
UTM from the Internet. You need to enter https:// (not http://) and type the UTM’s WAN IP
address in your browser. For example, if the UTM’s WAN IP address is, type the
following in your browser:
The UTM’s remote login URL is:
https://<IP_address> or https://<FullyQualifiedDomainName>
Note: For enhanced security, restrict access to as few external IP
addresses as practical. See Set User Login Policies on page 404 for
instructions about restricting administrator access by IP address.
Note: To maintain security, the UTM rejects a login that uses http://address
rather than the SSL https://address.
Note: The first time that you remotely connect to the UTM with a browser
through an SSL connection, you might get a warning message
regarding the SSL certificate. If you are using a Windows computer
with Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, simply click Yes to accept the