Virtual Private Networking Using SSL Connections
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Manually Create or Modify the Portal Layout
The Portal Layouts screen that you can access from the SSL VPN configuration menu allows
you to create a custom page that remote users see when they log in to the portal. Because
the page is customizable, it provides an ideal way to communicate remote access
instructions, support information, technical contact information, or VPN-related news updates
to remote users. The page is also well suited as a starting page for restricted users; if mobile
users or business partners are permitted to access only a few resources, the page that you
create presents only the resources that are relevant to these users.
You apply portal layouts by selecting one from the available portal layouts in the configuration
of a domain. When you have completed your portal layout, you can apply the portal layout to
one or more authentication domains (see Configure Domains on page 388). You can also
make the new portal the default portal for the SSL VPN gateway by selecting the default radio
button next to the portal layout name.
Note: The UTM’s default portal address is
The default domain geardomain is associated with the SSL-VPN portal.
You can define individual layouts for the SSL VPN portal. The layout configuration includes
the menu layout, theme, portal pages to display, and web cache control options. The default
portal layout is the SSL-VPN portal. You can add additional portal layouts. You can also make
any portal the default portal for the UTM by clicking the Default button in the Action column of
the List of Layouts table, to the right of the desired portal layout.
To create an SSL VPN portal layout:
1. Select VPN > SSL VPN > Portal Layouts. The Portal Layouts screen displays. (The
following figure shows layouts in the List of Layouts table as an example. The IP
addresses that are shown in this figure do not relate to other figures and examples in
this manual. The portal URL normally includes the WAN IP address of the UTM.)
Figure 216.