
Gear selector lever ........................ 263
Hill-start assist system .................. 293
Kickdown ....................................... 266
Kickdown (manual shift program) .. 270
Manual shift program ..................... 268
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 388
One-touch gearshifting .................. 267
Program mode indicator ................ 267
Program mode selector dial ... 267, 269
Shifting procedure ......................... 264
Steering wheel gearshift control .... 267
Transmission position indicator ..... 265
Transmission positions .................. 265
Announcement phase (driving
maneuvers) ........................................ 133
Announcements, navigation
see Navigation announcements
Announcements, traffic (real-time) . 143
Answering incoming calls .......... 84, 158
Anticorrosion/antifreeze .................. 428
Antilock Brake System
see ABS
Anti-theft systems ............................... 66
Anti-theft alarm system ................... 66
Canceling the alarm ......................... 67
Immobilizer ...................................... 66
see Hydroplaning
Ashtray ............................................... 307
Aspect ratio (tires) ............................ 345
Audio .................................................. 168
announcements ............................. 137
CD, DVD, and MP3 ........................ 177
loudness .......................................... 89
phone volume ................................ 151
read-out ........................................... 89
sound settings ................................. 90
steering wheel operation ................. 83
turning off ........................................ 89
voice control .................................. 206
see Muting audio
see Navigation announcements
see Read-aloud announcements
see Volume
Audio Aux (auxiliary)
main system .................................. 197
switching to ................................... 197
voice commands for ...................... 225
Audio format
audio playback ............................... 189
DVD Video ..................................... 205
Audio menu ............................... 168, 279
Authorizing Bluetooth devices ......... 149
Auto-dimming rear view mirrors ..... 247
Automatic central locking ................ 239
Automatic headlamp mode .............. 250
Automatic interior lighting control .. 253
Automatic picture switch-off ........... 199
Automatic shift program .................. 267
Auxiliary (Aux) operation
main audio ..................................... 197
main video ..................................... 205
voice commands for ...................... 225
voice control with .......................... 230
AUX socket ........................................ 304
Avoid settings for route guidance ... 107
Axle oils .............................................. 425
Back button ......................................... 79
see Seats
Backup lamps
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 384
Backward track skip ......................... 187
Balance (sound), setting ..................... 90
Bang & Olufsen sound system ........... 90
Bar (air pressure unit) ....................... 345
BAS (Brake Assist System) ................. 62
Bass setting
main system .................................... 90
Battery, SmartKey
Checking condition ........................ 237
Replacing ....................................... 399
Battery, Vehicle ................................. 410
Charging ........................................ 412
Jump starting ................................. 413
Messages in the multifunction
display ................................... 368, 383
Bead (tire) .......................................... 345
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 5