
On-board computer
see Control system
One-touch gearshifting ..................... 267
Operating example .............................. 88
Operating safety .................................. 28
Orientation of map ............................ 108
Ornamental moldings, cleaning ....... 357
Outgoing calls
see Calling
Overhead control panel ...................... 40
Paintwork, cleaning .......................... 355
Paintwork code ................................. 421
Panic alarm .......................................... 60
Parcel net ........................................... 304
Parking ............................................... 261
Parktronic system .......................... 294
Parking position
Exterior rear view mirrors .............. 247
Transmission position .................... 265
Parktronic system
Cleaning system sensors ............... 357
Malfunction .................................... 296
Minimum distance ......................... 295
Sensor range ................................. 294
Switching on/off ........................... 296
System sensors ............................. 294
Warning indicators ......................... 295
Partitions in USB devices ................. 197
Parts service ...................................... 420
PASS AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp
see Passenger front air bag off
indicator lamp
Passcodes for Bluetooth phones ..... 150
Passenger front air bag ...................... 47
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 365
Passenger front air bag off
indicator lamp ............................. 49, 396
Passenger safety
see Occupant safety
Pausing playback
main audio ..................................... 186
main video ..................................... 203
PCMCIA memory card
ejecting .......................................... 183
loading ........................................... 181
Pedals ................................................. 349
submenu ........................................ 152
switching to phone mode .............. 152
see Telephone
Phone book ........................................ 153
adding entries ................................ 154
deleting from ................................. 155
dialing from ..................... 84, 154, 160
editing entries ................................ 155
selecting entry ............................... 153
voice control with .......................... 211
Phone calls
emergency ..................................... 152
lists of ............................................ 155
making ........................................... 159
see Calling
Phone menu ....................................... 152
Phone number search for POIs ........ 127
Picture format
main video ..................................... 203
Picture settings for video
main system .................................. 203
Plastic parts, cleaning ...................... 359
Playback options
iPods, MP3 players, and USB
devices .......................................... 197
Music Register ............................... 192
track sequence .............................. 189
Playing audio ..................................... 184
fast forward and reverse ................ 187
muting ............................................. 89
options for playback ...................... 189
selecting track ............................... 187
see Muting audio
see Selecting audio track
POI input
choosing a category ....................... 127
local area of destination ................ 126
vicinity of location .......................... 127
vicinity of specific location ............ 127
Points of interest (POIs)
adding stopover destination .......... 124
selecting as destination ................. 126
stopover destinations .................... 124
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 17