
Exterior rear view mirrors ................ 246
Fold-in function .............................. 248
Parking position ............................. 247
Power-folding ................................. 248
Switching fold-in function on or
off .................................................. 287
Synchronizing ................................ 248
Exterior view of vehicle ...................... 32
External audio or video devices
main system .......................... 197, 205
voice control with .......................... 225
Fastening the seat belts ..................... 54
Fast forward
audio playback ............................... 187
video playback ............................... 202
Film selection, DVD ........................... 203
First aid kit ......................................... 362
Flat tire ............................................... 402
Preparing the vehicle ..................... 402
TIREFIT (tire repair kit) ................... 402
Floormat (driver’s side) .................... 317
Brake fluid ..................................... 425
Capacities ...................................... 425
Engine coolant ............................... 425
Engine oil ....................................... 425
Power steering fluid ....................... 425
Transmission fluid .......................... 425
Washer and headlamp cleaning
system ........................................... 425
MP3 mode, selecting ..................... 187
Fold-in function for exterior rear
view mirrors ...................................... 248
Formats, audio .................................. 178
Forward track skip ............................ 187
Front air bags
see Air bags
Fuel ..................................................... 320
Additives ........................................ 427
Capacity, fuel tank ......................... 425
Drive sensibly–safe fuel ................. 348
Fuel consumption statistics ........... 276
Fuel filler flap and cap ................... 321
Fuel tank reserve warning lamp ..... 394
Premium unleaded gasoline ... 425, 427
Refueling ........................................ 320
Requirements ................................ 427
Fuel filler flap ..................................... 321
Fuel gauge ......................................... 271
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. ........ 425
Fuel tank
Capacity ........................................ 425
Fuel filler flap and cap ................... 321
Refueling ........................................ 320
Full-screen map ................................. 106
Fuses .................................................. 417
Garage door opener .......................... 313
see Fuel
GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) ... 345
Gear range ......................................... 266
Indicator ........................................ 266
Limiting .......................................... 268
Shifting into optimal ...................... 268
Gear selector lever ............................ 263
Cleaning ......................................... 359
Gearshift pattern ........................... 263
Shifting procedure ......................... 264
Transmission position indicator ..... 265
Transmission positions .................. 265
see Alternator
Geo-coordinates, displaying ............. 110
Global locking/unlocking
see Key, SmartKey
Global voice control commands ...... 207
Glove box ........................................... 304
Google Maps
.................................... 125
GPS reception .................................... 103
displaying geo-coordinates ............ 110
Media database ............................. 188
Gross Axle Weight Rating
see GAWR
Gross Vehicle Weight
see GVW
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
see GVWR
GSM network coverage .................... 148
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 11