DVD menu ..................................... 203
fast forward/rewind ...................... 202
functional restrictions .................... 200
handling and care of discs ............. 199
interactive content ........................ 205
menu system ................................. 202
notes on ........................................ 199
operating DVD menu ..................... 203
picture settings .............................. 203
safety notes ................................... 198
selecting film/track ....................... 203
stop function ................................. 202
submenu overview ......................... 201
switching to ................................... 201
voice control with .................. 225, 230
Dynamic routing ........................ 107, 143
Easy-entry/exit feature ............ 245, 286
EBP (Electronic Brake
Proportioning) ...................................... 65
Ejecting discs and memory cards
main audio system ......................... 182
Electrical system
Improper work on or
modifications ................................... 28
Power outlets ................................. 308
Electrical system (Technical data)
see Vehicle specification
Electronic parking brake .................. 261
Electronic Stability Control
see ESC
Emergency, in case of
Exiting the vehicle ............................ 57
First aid kit ..................................... 362
Flat tire .......................................... 402
Hazard warning flasher .................. 252
Roadside Assistance ................ 27, 311
Towing the vehicle ......................... 415
Emergency calls
mbrace .......................................... 309
Tele Aid (Canada only) ................... 309
Emergency operations
Remote door lock (mbrace) ........... 313
Remote door lock (Tele Aid,
Canada only) .................................. 313
Trunk lid, emergency release ......... 240
Emergency phone calls ..................... 152
Emergency Tensioning Device
see ETD
Emission control ............................... 352
Information label ............................ 421
System warranties ........................... 26
Ending active phone calls ................. 160
Ending calls .......................................... 84
Break-in recommendations ............ 320
Cleaning ......................................... 356
Compartment ................................ 322
Malfunction indicator lamp ............ 394
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 381
Number .......................................... 421
Starting .......................................... 258
Turning off ..................................... 262
Engine (Technical data)
see Vehicle specification
Engine coolant
see Coolant
Engine oil
Adding ........................................... 323
Additives ........................................ 426
Checking level ............................... 323
Consumption ................................. 323
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 383
Oil dipstick ..................................... 323
Recommended engine oils and oil
filter ............................................... 426
Warning lamp ................................. 394
Engine oil temperature gauge .......... 271
ESC (Electronic Stability Control) ...... 62
ETS .................................................. 63
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................... 371, 372, 377
Warning lamp ................................. 393
ETD (Emergency Tensioning
Device) ................................................. 55
Safety guidelines ............................. 46
ETS (Electronic Traction System) ....... 63
Express operation
Power windows .............................. 255
Exterior lamp switch ......................... 250
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 10