
Lighting .............................................. 249
Daytime running lamp mode .......... 251
Exterior .......................................... 250
Interior ........................................... 253
Limp-home mode .............................. 270
Listing address book contents ........ 220
Load index (tires) ...................... 341, 345
Loading CDs and DVDs
main system .................................. 180
Local voice control commands ........ 207
Location of vehicle, current
see Vehicle location (current)
Locator lighting ................................. 285
Locking and unlocking
Notes ............................................. 236
Locking the vehicle
Manually ........................................ 398
SmartKey ....................................... 236
Loss of
Key ................................................ 237
Service and Warranty Information
booklet .......................................... 420
see Volume
Low-beam headlamps ....................... 250
Exterior lamp switch ...................... 250
Indicator lamp .................................. 35
Switching on .................................. 250
Lubricants .......................................... 425
Magazine compartments, DVD
changer .............................................. 180
Main function display
see Display, main
Main function menus
list of ................................................ 74
navigation mode, switching to ....... 105
opening ............................................ 85
Main menu, overview of ..................... 74
Maintenance ........................................ 27
Maintenance System
Service indicator display ................ 353
Service indicator message ............. 352
Service term exceeded .................. 353
Maneuver phase (driving
maneuvers) ........................................ 134
Manual headlamp mode (Low-
beam headlamps) .............................. 250
Manual shift program ....................... 268
Upshift indicator ............................ 269
Map display (See also Navigation) ... 108
blocked area for route ................... 112
destination information .................. 138
driving maneuver preparation ........ 133
entering destination on .................. 123
entering POI from .......................... 132
general information, at bottom ...... 110
hiding crosshairs ........................... 107
setting scale .................................. 106
topographic map ............................ 111
traffic information .......................... 109
traffic lane recommendations ........ 135
traffic notifications in ..................... 139
updating map software .................. 100
Maximum engine speed
see Vehicle specification
Maximum loaded vehicle weight ..... 346
Maximum load rating (tires) ............. 345
Maximum permissible tire
inflation pressure .............................. 346
mbrace ....................................... 125, 308
Emergency calls ............................. 309
Information button ......................... 311
Initiating an emergency call
manually ........................................ 310
Messages in the multifunction
display ........................................... 377
Remote door lock .......................... 313
Search & Send ............................... 313
SOS button .................................... 310
Stolen Vehicle Recovery Services .. 313
System self-test ............................. 309
Wrench button ............................... 311
Measurement units, navigation ....... 103
Mechanical key
see Key, Mechanical
Media interface ......................... 192, 304
data formats .................................. 193
voice control with .................. 225, 230
Media Interface
connecting devices ........................ 193
selecting category/playlist/folder . 195
selecting files ................................. 195
switching to ................................... 194
BA 197 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 27, en-US
hereepe Version:
2010-03-24T15:31:10+01:00 - Seite 14